Project Overview
This humorous and quirky story follows Presley, a down-on-her-luck protagonist who finds herself entangled in an elaborate web of deception. Mistaken for the comatose man’s girlfriend, she navigates the absurdity of trying to convince everyone (and herself) of her new role as a missionary girlfriend—all while keeping up the ruse.
This quirky and heartfelt story combines humor, mischief, and romance as it follows Presley, a flawed yet endearing protagonist who navigates her way out of a tangled web of lies.
Design Objectives
Tone and Audience Appeal: The cover needed to reflect the humor, chaos, and romance of the story while attracting fans of contemporary rom-coms.
Highlight Key Story Elements: The design should subtly hint at Presley’s package theft scheme and the plot’s mix of deception and hilarity.
Visual Cohesion: The cover must feel modern, approachable, and cohesive with the genre’s visual trends, particularly to stand out on digital storefronts. Motifs from the story should be represented as foreshadowing elements.
The Final Cover
The final design features of the cover for Forgetting Anna…
Client Feedback
“THIS is why you handle artwork, and I don't! Ha. It looks so great, and I love what you were able to come up with! And thank you for taking the time and effort to break down all the elements for me. Your creative process is amazing!”
“I greatly appreciate all your time and effort in creating these beautiful covers. I'm looking forward to getting this one out there!”
The Design Process
1: Discovery Phase
To start, I worked with Madison to understand the story, its themes, and the nuances of her protagonist, Presley. This phase involved:
Identifying key visual motifs (packages, letters, torn paper) that symbolized both Presley’s antics and the book’s themes.
Establishing the desired mood: playful, warm, and relatable.
2: Concept Development
Based on the discovery phase, I explored several concepts and sketches, researching other covers in the genre. From the draft concept, Madison loved the idea of incorporating:
A modern illustration style to align with the rom-com genre.
Presley, as a central figure, is depicted in a relaxed pose that hints at her mischievous nature.
A torn-paper title treatment to add a sense of dynamic movement and intrigue.
Feature One
Presley sitting atop the title, her vibrant red heels and casual outfit reflecting her bold yet unassuming personality.
Feature Two
Scattered letters and packages surround her, directly referencing her scheme while adding playful visual elements.
Feature Three
The clean background, with a front door and wooden floor, grounds the design in a suburban setting, creating a relatable and lighthearted vibe.
Feature Four
Typography was carefully chosen to maintain readability while exuding a handwritten, casual charm.
Feature Five
The torn-paper effect adds texture and emphasizes the title while suggesting the theme of erasing Anna’s presence, tying in the title Forgetting Anna.
Feature Six
The warm pastel palette creates a welcoming vibe, ensuring the book catches the eye of romantic comedy fans.